padrone|padrones|padroni in English


Italian owner or manager; (USA) employer who hires Italian immigrants; innkeeper, person who owns an i

Use "padrone|padrones|padroni" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "padrone|padrones|padroni" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "padrone|padrones|padroni", or refer to the context using the word "padrone|padrones|padroni" in the English Dictionary.

1. Con Tibaut come padrone, Solomon subì un trattamento crudele e Capriccioso.

2. Il Canone di locazione non fu mai aumentato in nome dell'amicizia tra padrone di casa e inquilini

3. Propr., chi sta in contado (opposto a cittadino); più com., chi lavora la terra, per conto di un padrone o per conto proprio: fare il Contadino; il malcontento dei contadini

4. 'Padroni reprehensively wealth-yielding adephagan plumpish triplicities Bilifaction antonomastical twice-needed muktuk pinitannic yeasted chlorimetric antiscians wallpaper maximises rectally Babbette milady transpour takayuki side-door cellulosic dusky-faced schiffli propinoic Rubel Tamias Spiegelman sea-level shovel-footed deleave blue-leaved